Hi, I'm Giulia

Front-end developer👋Giulia Moukouyou

I love designing & developing amazing websites, focusing on the User Experience.



I’m a web developer passionate about design and software. I build my projects with a full-stack approach, from the mockup on Figma to the actual implementation of the code.

I work mainly with JavaScript / Typescript, using React and Next.js as frameworks.

My journey started as a self-taught person, studying really hard and attending courses, while strengthening my skills through side projects. I’m currently diving deeper into Next.js and the full-stack world.

October - November 2024

Content-driven web application foundations

Sanity Learn

September - October 2024

Complete JavaScript course "Corso JavaScript completo"


April - September 2024

Frontend Mentor challenges

Frontend Mentor

May 2024

Introduction to Front-End development


My skills

# JavaScript

# TypeScript

# React

# Next.js

# Tailwind CSS



# Git

# Sanity CMS


Tutor life

Sanity CMSNext.jsReactTypescriptTailwind

I created this fullstack blog to share personal tips on teaching online: I worked with Next.js and its integration with the headless CMS Sanity, which is based on Typescript and stores all my blog posts.

I learned a lot working with types and queries to set up the CMS and fetch posts.

Live website

This personal website


A simple portfolio website, built with Next.js. I consider this a milestone in my learning journey, as it gave me the opportunity to solidify my foundations, while also showing my works.

I tried to get a simple and professional look: the mockups I created in Figma helped me clearly define the design before development, while keeping the project responsive.

GitHubLive website

Minimalist Portfolio


This is a static portfolio page I built at the beginning of my journey, to test my responsive design skills, focusing on CSS flexbox and grid.

Also, here I did my first tests with DOM manipulation: using JavaScript, I implemented the opening of the mobile menu and replaced the images of the projects when resizing the web page.

GitHubLive website


Let's get in touch!

I'm currently looking for a stage in a company and collaborations, to grow my skills and work with a team on new projects.
For job opportunities contact me at: